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Fife: High School and Beyond Plan Process

Release Date: 

November 19, 2020

Fife Public Schools Career and College Readiness pageFife Public Schools has had their High School and Beyond Plan (HSBP) process in place for over 15 years, though the process has evolved and expanded over time. The district has a Career and College Specialist position as part of Fife High School’s Counseling Center who is responsible for the district’s HSBP process, which occurs through the Xello platform.

Beginning in 6th grade, students take the career interest inventory assessment every year and begin their High School and Beyond Plan. Currently, in seventh grade all students take a course called “Connections” where college and career readiness lessons are integrated into the curriculum, preparing them for their High School and Beyond Plan requirements that begin in eighth grade.

In junior high and high school, students take an advisory course, called a “family group.” Twice a month, family advisors receive a lesson plan from the Career and College Specialist that connects the daily lesson to career guidance themes. In grades 9-12, students get a .25 credit each year for their advisory course, and it is where all HSBP activities, along with SEL and financial literacy activities, take place. High school students stay in the same family group all three years. All the activities in high school are building toward the district’s required Senior Project, based on the student’s HSBP. Throughout their time in high school, students will have done research in advisory on career paths, the education and training needed for their chosen path, and how to pay for that education or training. During each student’s presentation, they talk about their career exploration and interests, how they will pay for any needed education or training they need for their career path, and show evidence of what they have done (both academically and outside of school activities) that has prepared them for their one year after high school plan. The district has surveyed seniors regarding the required Senior Project, and 66 percent of the graduating seniors said their HSBP and resulting presentation was helpful to them/contributed to their success post-high school.

Fife Public Schools has developed a new Career and College Ready website in Google Sites. The website breaks down the HSBP process by grade level, so students and families know what activities to expect in each grade.

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Media Contact: 

Stephanie Davidsmeyer
Communications Manager