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Career Readiness

Starting in 2015, the State Board of Education, with the support of a National Association of State Boards of Education Deeper Learning Stipend, has explored and discussed career readiness within the context of Washington’s high school diploma. The SBE has held joint meeting with Washington’s Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board and has met with and discussed career readiness with agency partners, parents, students, community member and representatives of other states.

Career Readiness and Work-Based Learning: Experiences in Seven States

In partnership with the National Association of State Boards of Education, the Washington State Board of Education hosted a pair of online forums in which leaders from seven states shared innovative approaches to preparing students for life after high school. Led by Randy Spaulding, the board’s executive director, and moderated by board member MJ Bolt, panelists described work-based learning opportunities in their states: youth apprenticeships, internships, and career and technical education programs. They also addressed coordination across multiple agencies, best practices for engaging employers, and alignment of work-based learning with graduation requirements and postsecondary pathways. Panelists included leaders in K-12, higher education, CTE, workforce development, and business from across the country.


On May 29, 2018, panelists included:


Carrie Lively, Director of Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning, Indiana Department of Workforce Development

Beth Meguschar, Assoc. Chief Operating Office, Indiana Department of Workforce Development


Dave “Lefty” Lefkowith, Assistant Superintendent, Louisiana Department of Education

Susie Schowen, Director of Workforce Initiatives, Louisiana Economic Development

Additional materials from Louisiana:

  1. Why Work-Based Learning is Important 
  2. Giving All Students Access to Workplace-Based Learning
  3. Evaluation of the 2017 Jump Start Summers Program
  4. Virtual Workplace Experience (VWE) II Course Overview


Anne Holton, Visiting Professor of Education Policy, George Mason University; member, Virginia State Board of Education; and former Virginia Secretary of Education

Charles Britt, STEM Outreach Coordinator, Office of the Provost, Northern Virginia Community College


Maud Daudon, Career Connect WA and Chair, WA Student Achievement Council


On May 30, 2018, panelists included:


Gretchen Morgan, President, CareerWise

Misti Ruthven, Executive Director, Innovation, Colorado Department of Education


Luke Rhine, Director, Career & Technical Education and STEM Initiatives, Delaware Department of Education

Shana Payne, Director of Higher Education, Delaware Department of Education

KentuckyReport Cover: Career Readiness and the High School Diploma

Terry Holliday, former Kentucky State Commissioner of Education

Kim Menke, Regional Director, Toyota Motor North America


Marc Casale, Kinetic West, Career Connect WA


A summary of the SBEs work on career readiness and the high school diploma may be found in the report: Opening the Locks on Opportunity: Career Readiness and the High School Diploma