SBE to Set Cut Score for the Biology Collection of Evidence
Release Date:
OLYMPIA, Wash. – The Washington State Board of Education will set the achievement level cut score for the biology collection of evidence and revisit the achievement level cut score for the math year 1 collection of evidence, based on recommendations of the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, at the August 22 special board meeting in Olympia.
What: State Board of Education Special Board Meeting
When: 4:00 pm to 5 pm, Friday, August 22
Where: State Board of Education
Billings Conference Room
Old Capitol Building
600 Washington St SE
Olympia, WA 98504
Beginning this school year, students must pass a science end-of-course exam (EOC) in biology in addition to the math EOC to graduate from high school. As an alternative, students who have attempted the EOC twice but have not passed (or those who transfer to a Washington public school in the 11th or 12th grade) may submit a collection of evidence (COE) to demonstrate proficient knowledge and skills in the subject area. A COE is an evaluation of a set of work samples prepared by the student with instructional support from a teacher. The SBE will set the score required to pass the biology COE.
SBE will also revisit, and possibly revise, the score required to pass the math year 1 COE because a number of new test items have been added to the assessment since the initial cut score was set.
The meeting agenda and materials are now available at:
Time for public comment will be provided. The public and news media are invited to attend.
Contact: Sarah Lane, SBE Communications Manager, (360) 725-6501
About the State Board of Education: The State Board of Education provides advocacy and strategic oversight of public education. The board is comprised of 16 members: five are elected by school board directors, seven are appointed by the Governor, two serve as student representatives, and one serves as a private school representative. The Superintendent of Public Instruction is also a member.
Media Contact:
Alissa Muller, SBE Communications Manager, (360) 725-6501