State Board of Education to Consider Discipline Resolution, Required Action Districts
Release Date:
RENTON, Wash. – The Washington State Board of Education (SBE) will consider a discipline resolution, and will designate Required Action Districts (RAD) at the March 5-6 board meeting in Renton, at the Puget Sound Educational Service District.
What: State Board of Education Board Meeting
When: 8:30 am to 5 pm, Wednesday, March 5
8:30 am to 3:15 pm, Thursday, March 6
Where: Puget Sound Educational Service District
Cedar/Duwamish Rooms
800 Oakesdale Avenue SW
Renton, WA 98057
The board will engage in a discussion about its goals for addressing the issue of discipline and its potential role and next steps in improving discipline practices in Washington state. The board will hear about the recently released federal guidance on discipline policies and practices and consider the adoption of a resolution affirming the Board’s commitment to engaging the issue of discipline.
The board will also be given a recommendation from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instructions to designate four districts as RAD. The board will receive a brief presentation on each district, review data on the required action schools, and hear from district administrators.
Districts recommended for required action have at least one school that has been identified as in greatest need of improvement. RADs will select a federal or state intervention model, create a required action plan of improvement (to be approved by the SBE) and receive differentiated support.
The meeting agenda and materials are now available at:
Time for public comment will be provided. The public and news media are invited to attend.
Contact: Sarah Lane, SBE Communications Manager, (360) 725-6501
About the State Board of Education: The State Board of Education provides advocacy and strategic oversight of public education. The board is comprised of 16 members: five are elected by school board directors, seven are appointed by the Governor, two serve as student representatives, and one serves as a private school representative. The Superintendent of Public Instruction is also a member.
Media Contact:
Alissa Muller, SBE Communications Manager, (360) 725-6501