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Grad Rules and Comment Summary

Rulemaking timelineFollowing the passage of HB 1599 (2019) SBE began the rulemaking process to address changes to the graduation requirements outlined in the bill. The proposed rules address changes based on three other pieces of legislation that made changes to the civics requirement and high school and beyond plan requirement.

January 15-16, Tumwater/Olympia

The January Board Meeting was broadcasted live via ZOOM. Find highlights and links to the videos in the post-meeting highlight message. Follow SBE on Facebook or Twitter for updates.

Graduation Requirements Rules Adopted

Graduation pathway options have replaced the explicit link between the state assessment and graduation. The Washington State Board of Education (SBE) today adopted rules regarding graduation requirements at a public meeting in Bremerton.  In addition, the rules update the High School and Beyond Plan, and clarify and update credit graduation requirements to align with statute and practice.  

How We Compare: 2019 NAEP Score Release

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) was first administered in 1969, and is the largest continuing and nationally representative assessment of what the nation’s students know and can do in mathematics, reading, and other subjects. Standard administration practices are used to provide a common measure of student achievement. NAEP is given to a representative sample of students across the country.

SBE Welcomes New Members

The State Board of Education (SBE) welcomes Mary Fertakis, M.Ed., and Jan Brown to the Board following this past fall’s election. Mary will represent Western Washington (region 3), and Jan will be the Board’s new Private Schools representative. MJ Bolt (SBE Vice Chair) ran uncontested and will continue to represent Eastern Washington (region 1).

SBE Rulemaking Update

Rulemaking timeline graphicSBE shared this graphic timeline of the rulemaking process in the September Board Meeting materials. It shows what has been done in terms of draft rule outreach and where we are in the rulemaking process regarding graduation requirements.

Forum Hosts Community Conversation

**SBE will hold a Public Forum in Bremerton on November 5 regarding the equity and adequacy of the new graduation pathway options enacted by legislation.

SBE Strategic Plan Update: 100 Students and 100 Teachers

View the graphic on mobile.

The Washington State Board of Education (SBE) recently hosted it's annual Board retreat in Yakima September 10-12. One of the days featured a presentation about the upcoming release of SBE's annual report (coming in November).

SBE Visits the Yakama Nation Tribal School

Tradition Starts Here sign at the Yakama Nation Tribal School entranceSchool Spirit and Student-focused Support at the Yakama Nation Tribal School
